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136 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 136
  • Cartografia topográfica em formato vetorial à escala 1:5 000 da Autoestrada A8. Levantamento obtido por processos fotogramétricos a partir da cobertura aerofotográfica

  • This web map service corresponds to the level 3 of the natural habitats of comunity interest listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. This service only concernes to the marine and coastal habitats.

  • Web map service with the Biogenetic Reserves Network of the Council of Europe in Portugal mainland. These reserves were integrated into the National Network of Protected Areas, so this dataset at this time has only a historical character.These service relates only to biogenetic reserves that are located in marine, estuarine and coastal environments.

  • Web map services with the sites in the biogeographical regions Atlantic, Mediterranean and Macaronesian, that contribute significantly to maintaining or restoring a type of natural habitat, from Annex BI, or species from Annex B-II, in a favorable conservation status, and may also contribute significantly to the coherence of Natura 2000 network or to maintain significantly the biological diversity in these biogeographical regions. This service only includes SPA's with marine, coastal and estuarine/laggoon environment.

  • O Atlas mostra, de acordo com o registo de observações feitas, como se distribuem atualmente, em Portugal, os Anfíbios e Répteis que são autóctones no território português: - 17 espécies de Anfíbios; - 30 espécies de Répteis terrestres; e - 5 espécies de Tartarugas marinhas. Para cada uma das espécies, a ficha apresenta ainda uma caracterização da espécie e notas sobre as ameaças principais e medidas para a sua conservação.

  • Web feature service with the limits of marine and coastal biosphere reserves. The Biosphere Reserves are samples representing of marine, land or coastal ecosystems, promoting solutions to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use. Internationally recognized (UNESCO Man & Biosphere Programme), designated by national governments and remaining under sovereign jurisdiction of the states where they are located. Throughout its zonation (core, buffer and transition) have to promote three functions: conservation of natural and cultural heritage, sustainable development, dissemination and knowledge. Only the core area requires legal protection and may correspond to a pre-existing protected area as a reserve or natural park. This service relates only to the marine and/or coastal biosphere reserves.

  • Cartografia Numérica Topográfica à escala 1:2 000 para o Município da Maia. A área a cartografar numericamente à escala 1: 2 000, tem a dimensão de 8951.21 ha, que se distribuem por 86 folhas. Esta área diz respeito ao município da Maia incluindo um "buffer" de 100 metros. Para a aquisição da cartografia vetorial o sistema de referência foi o sistema de referência ETRS89-TM06.

  • Notifications concerning marine casualties and marine incidents occurring in the Portuguese territorial waters and in internal waters and with Portuguese flaged vessels in any part of the world.

  • This view service provides access to information related to the mineral occurrences, reserves and resources, associated commodities, geology, mines, mining activities, wastes and areas with mining potential of Portugal mainland. Moreover, this information is the result, improvement and adaptation of SIORMINP to the data structure model and vocabularies used in European projects, namely Eurogeosource, Promine, Minerals4EU, ProSUM and Mintell4EU, according to INSPIRE Directive requirements.

  • Cartografia topográfica em formato vetorial à escala 1:5000, em que a equidistância das curvas é de 2 metros, num total aproximado de 4757 hectares da Concessão Norte Troço entre Selho/Calvo/Castelões da Ascendi, obtida por restituição da fotografia aérea, do voo efetuado no dia 02-08-2016.